Internal differentiation as the factor of making students’ individual study plans
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value and semantic sphere of the personality
variation component of the education process
differentiation and individualization in the education process
individual study plans
internal differentiation


Education process based on using individual study plans acquires the attribute of internal differentiation as self-regulation of the student’s learning and becomes an integral part of his or her professional development. There is no “estrangement from the information”, as a traditional regulation of education always accustoms a future professional to waiting for instructions from outside and to demanding provided decisions, but a choice, on the contrary, makes the ability to orient oneself in the flow of information, to take one’s own independent decisions. This is important for a person’s adaptation in different life situations, this prepares him or her for an active search for an individual professional way, develops one’s adaptation abilities, one’s own unique individuality, the ability to self-actualization
in the process of the life and professional choice.
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