Using the Mobile Eye-tracking System in Sports
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sport psychology
eye movement registration
eye macromovements
sport eye-tracking


Introduction. The study of the oculomotor activity of athletes is of interest to sports psychologists and sports training specialists. Oculomotor activity is an integral part of sports activity, and its training and optimization with the development of effective oculomotor strategies can contribute to the improvement of both sports performance and the health and functional state of the athlete. Theoretical justification. Research on athletes' oculomotor activity considers its various aspects, including visual search, the difference between eye movements of professionals and beginners. It also considers the relationship between effective oculomotor strategies and athletic performance success. Due to technology development, mobile eye-tracking technology has emerged that can be utilized in real-life sports activities. Mobile eye-tracking provides high ecological validity of research, combination with psychophysiological methods and virtual reality. The disadvantages of the mobile eye-tracking system include low, compared to stationary systems, measurement accuracy and the possibility of recording only macromovements of the eyes (fixations and saccades). Discussion. As a result of the theoretical analysis, the relevance and significance of studying athletes' oculomotor patterns have been outlined. In addition, the possibilities of using mobile eye-tracking in sports for these purposes to analyze athletes' oculomotor patterns have been described. Researchers may encounter problems when using mobile eye-tracking systems to record athletes' oculomotor patterns are highlighted. In particular, loss of eye-tracking data, difficulties selecting an optimal algorithm for data analysis, and ambiguity in interpreting the obtained information. In spite of the described problems, mobile eye-tracking systems represent an optimal means of recording eye movements in athletes for the purpose of further optimizing training and performance.
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