Emotional Burnout Symptoms in Mothers of Primary School Children: Role of Intensive Parenting Attitudes and Parenting Styles
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emotional burnout in mothers
intensive parenting
parenting styles
parental attitudes
primary school children


Introduction. Symptoms of emotional burnout (EB) in mothers of primary school children are associated with parenting styles and intensive parenting attitudes. Mothers seeking psychological help for problems related to the education and rearing of primary school children are characterized by EB caused by contradictory parental attitudes embodied in parenting styles. Methods. The study aimed to determine the severity of intensive parenting attitudes among mothers of primary school children as a predictor of EB and parenting styles related to EB. The sample comprised women seeking psychological help at the Novomed-Deti multi-disciplinary clinic in Kaliningrad (n = 158). The study used the following diagnostic tools: (a) Intensive Parenting Attitudes Questionnaire; (b) Varga–Stolin Parenting Attitudes Questionnaire; (c) Maternal Burnout Questionnaire by L. I. Bazaleva; and (d) Luscher Color Test to diagnose the emotional sphere. Methods of mathematical and statistical analysis were used, including factor analysis with varimax rotation and Mann-Whitney U Test. Results. Mothers of primary school children with strong attitudes toward essentialism, intensive stimulation, difficulty and with low parental satisfaction are more prone to EB. Parenting styles with characteristic symptoms of maternal burnout, including rejection, infantilization – high EB level; authoritarian hypersocialization, symbiosis – average EB level; acceptance and social cooperation – low EB level, are described. Discussion. The data obtained can be used as the basis for the development of a comprehensive model for preventing EB in mothers and for overcoming parenting stress and parental dissatisfaction.

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