Involuntary Memorization and Context-Dependent Recognition of Lexical Information
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involuntary remembering
context-dependent memory
context-dependent recognition
recognition trait
local context
global context


Introduction. Two lines of research stand out in the field of context-dependent memory research: context-dependent reproduction and context-dependent recognition. Different environmental contexts influence the productivity of involuntary memory using free playback and recognition techniques. Our study aims to establish the influence of external contexts of involuntary memorization of lexical items on their subsequent recognition performance. Methods. The procedure varied the states of two variables: global context (room view) and local context (background color and localization of the word on the screen). In the first phase, 107 subjects performed a sensorimotor task that involved the identification of a target stimulus with a recognizable characteristic (the letter ‘a’ as part of a word). In the second stage, where contextual conditions varied, subjects were required to recognize previously presented words in a series of new distractor words. The recognition accuracy, the reaction time, and the response confidence were evaluated. Results. It was found that the empirical markers "recognition accuracy" and "reaction time" are uninformative in assessing mnemic productivity. The analysis of the indicator "degree of confidence" showed that regardless of the retention / change of contexts, correct answers are given with greater confidence. Repetition of the local context in the situation of verbal stimuli recognition leads to a decrease in response time and an increase in confidence for words with the recognition feature that was relevant to the goal of the activity during memorization. Changing the global context does not induce a similar effect. Discussion. The main factors on which the recognition of lexical units during their unintentional memorization depends are the local context and the "key feature" (E. Tulving) with which the response was associated during encoding. The study of the role of motor context in mnemic activity may become a perspective in the study of the phenomenology of context-dependent memory.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anna A. Zolotukhina, Oksana A. Sermaksheva, Andrey Y. Agafonov, Alla A. Gudzovskaya, Alexander K. Grishin, Olga V. Kramarenko