Imaginative Thinking and The Image of The World of Younger Schoolchildren in a Visual Educational Environment
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visual educational environment
visual strategies
visual activity
imaginative thinking
image of the world
primary school students
"Landscape" picture of the world


Introduction. The problem of forming an image of the world and imaginative thinking is particularly relevant in modern conditions of transformation of education and changes in the forms and methods of information presentation. The current approaches to the formation of imaginative thinking and the image of the world are considered, first of all, traditional educational technologies. In our research, visual tools and strategies that form the conditions of the visual educational environment play an important role. Methods. The study involved 120 primary school students from the Children's Art School (60 people) and the Rostov-on-Don secondary School (60 people). The "Worldview" methodology and the "Assessment of imaginative thinking" methodology were used to study the image of the world. Methods of mathematical statistics (descriptive statistics, Pearson Chi-criterion, Mann-Whitney U-criterion, analysis of variance) were used in processing the results. Results. It was revealed that the younger students from the Children's Art School and secondary school have a dominant "Landscape" picture of the world. For schoolchildren from the Children's Art School, the choice of an image in the form of a "Landscape" picture of the world is more pronounced. Schoolchildren from the Children's Art School are characterized by a high level of development of imaginative thinking. The analysis of variance showed significant differences between groups of schoolchildren in terms of imaginative thinking. For schoolchildren with a "Landscape" and "Mediated" picture of the world, a higher level of imaginative thinking is characteristic. Discussion. The results obtained confirm that in the conditions of a visual educational environment, there is a more intensive development of imaginative thinking and the image of the world. The results are also consistent with the research of other authors dealing with this problem.
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