On the sense space of nonverbal communication
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sense space
nonverbal communication
patterns of nonverbal behavior
interpretation of nonverbal behavior


The article deals with factors of forming the sense space of nonverbal communication. On the basis of the integration of approaches to the psychology of communication and a number of propositions of the psychology of sense-creation the author considers crucial questions of the psychology of nonverbal communication. The
author states that the concept of “sense space of nonverbal communication” most precisely reflects both features of interrelations between nonverbal behavior and multifaceted personal constructs, features of encoding – interpretation of nonverbal behavior and the dependence of these processes on the context, the situation of communication, the degree and modality of partners’ significance for each other entailing reflection and experience of previous interactions. In the article the author draws a conclusion that the person’s interaction with a situation of communication leads to forming new senses and the dynamics of the sense space of nonverbal communication, to its situativity, “fluidity”, that the complex of variables directs the search for senses of nonverbal communication reflecting immediate relations between partners, their attitudes, intensions towards another person, own self, the whole situation of communication.

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