Assessing the Impact of Using Mobile Devices on School Students’ Educational Outcomes: A Second-Order Meta-Analysis
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mobile devices
second-order meta-analysis
school children
educational outcomes
mobile learning
digital behavior


Introduction. The use of mobile devices by children and adolescents is a common practice at the moment. Although mobile learning has some benefits, the results of the study on its effectiveness are contradictory. The study described in this paper is one of the first carried out to summarize the results of meta-analyses assessing the effects of using mobile devices by school children in the educational context. Methods. The study aimed to identify the effects of using mobile devices in learning based on second-order meta-analysis procedures. Twenty-nine meta-analyses conducted between 2014 and 2023 were analyzed, with minimal overlap between primary studies. A systematic search for sources and their assessment in accordance with the meta-review protocol, an analysis of coincidences in studies included in primary meta-analyses, an assessment of the presence of publication bias, and an analysis of the influence of categorical moderators were conducted. Results. The use of mobile devices by students has an average impact on their educational outcomes (g = 0.654 (95% CI: 0.578–0.73)). A significant result was found when assessing the heterogeneity of mean effect sizes (t= 0.042, Q = 277.255, p < 0.001; I= 86.95 %). The moderator analysis showed a significant impact of the type of educational outcome, subject area of ​​study, type of publication and location of primary research. Conflicting results are found when mean effect sizes are analyzed across different levels of education. Discussion. The average effect size obtained during the analysis is characterized by a high degree of stability at different periods of digitalization of education. The use of mobile devices by school children can have a dual impact on their learning activities, depending on the inclusion of adults in this process. Problematic digital behavior is associated with worsened educational outcomes. The use of gadgets for educational purposes, on the contrary, helps to increase learning efficiency compared to its traditional forms. The meta-review provides further directions for research on the effects of the use of mobile devices by school children in their educational activities and can help develop digital culture education programs.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yuliya L. Proekt, Elena B. Spasskaya, Nina O. Ivanushkina, Ol'ga S. Bocharova