The Emotional Sphere Impact on Existential Fears Actualization and Intensity
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psycho-emotional status
existential fears
personal anxiety
age groups


Introduction. The article addresses the problem of increasing existential fears, their growing prevalence and intensity among the population due to changes in objective reality associated with the deterioration of the social, ecological, and political situation in the country and the world. Despite numerous studies devoted to fears, the age-related characteristics of experiencing existential fears and their connection with psycho-emotional states remain insufficiently studied.
Methods. The sample included 317 respondents. The first group consisted of respondents aged 15–17, the second group of respondents aged 20–25, and the third group of respondents aged 30–45. We examined the prevalence and intensity of fears in three age groups, taking into account gender, using the authors' questionnaire, "Features of the Actualization of Existential Fears in Individuals". We also assessed the levels of personal anxiety and depression using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The Mann-Whitney U-test was used to confirm the reliability of differences between subgroups of respondents, and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was used to confirm relationships between variables.
Results. Fears were present in all participants, with intense fears being more common among women regardless of age group. The older age group showed a decrease in the frequency of high-intensity fears compared to the younger groups, regardless of gender. Additionally, direct significant correlations were found between the intensity of fears and the increase in anxiety and depression levels in all participants, regardless of age.
Discussion. The data suggest that a person's psycho-emotional status influences how they experience fears, with an increase in their intensity, regardless of age and gender. Since high-intensity fears can lead to disruptions in normal adaptation and socialization, it seems necessary to create a program aimed at overcoming fears, taking into account certain psychological characteristics of the individual, including their emotional sphere (personal anxiety and depression).
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