Psychological features of students' experience of limited access to social networks
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access restriction
social network
coping strategies
socio-psychological adaptation
credibility crisis
social contact


Introduction. Social networks are a tool for finding social contacts, emotional support, a means of
self-expression and self-presentation. In the period of so called "crisis of credibility", expressed in a
large amount of unverified and often contradictory information, it is very important to study the
psychological characteristics of students' experience of limited access to social networks such as
Instagram* (a Meta Platforms Inc. project, which is banned in Russia). The study of informational
behavior in recent years has acquired particular relevance, which has been realized in a large
number of both foreign and russian works. For the first time, an attempt was made to describe
the differences in the characteristics of students' experience of limited access to social networks,
depending on the actions of respondents after the restriction of access. Methods. The study
involved 174 students aged 18 to 21 years (61 boys and 113 girls), students of 1–3 courses of the
Don State Technical University. To achieve the goal of the study, the author's questionnaire was
used (I. V. Abakumova, N. E. Komerova, S. V. Ryagin); test of Personal Adjustment (K. Rogers,
adapted by A. K. Osnitsky); questionnaire "Strategic approach to coping scale" (SACS) (S. Hobfall,
adapted by N. E. Vodopyanova, E. S. Starchenkova). Mathematical methods were the statistical
Mann-Whitney U-test; Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Results. Coping strategies and
features of socio-psychological adaptation to stressful situations change depending on the
actions of respondents after restricting access to the social network Instagram* (continuation of
use using VPN applications, termination of use after a ban). Respondents who stopped using the
Instagram* social network showed a higher level of avoidance and impulsive actions, less severity
of internal control, adaptability, and emotional discomfort than respondents who continued
to use this social network. Discussion. Studies of informational behavior by both domestic and
foreign authors emphasize the importance of the virtual space of social networks as a way of
self-presentation, communication, getting support, self-expression, etc., which is consistent with
our results that limiting access to the popular resource among young people (Instagram*) can
be perceived as a frustrating event, the loss of a "part" of life, which activates certain coping
strategies and mechanisms of socio-psychological adaptation.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Irina V. Abakumova, Natalya E. Komerova, Sergey N. Ryagin