Presentation of the Personality Archetype in Semantic Structures
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semantic structures
semantic space
archetype presentation
archetypal space
archetypal journey
world image
meaning systems
deep structures


Introduction. This article is devoted to solving the problem of searching for semantic correlates of archetypal space. The author considers archetypal structures as systems of meanings having different levels of presentation and correlated with the three-layer model of the image structure of the world proposed by V. P. Serkin. The study is novel in that the conjugacy of the semantic space of Charles Osgood (evaluation, potency, activity) and the archetypal space of Carol Pearson are empirically studied for the first time. Methods. The study involved 320 respondents aged from 19 to 66 years. The definition of the leading personality archetype was carried out with the application of archetypal metaphorical mappings 12 Archetypes Plus, proposed by T. V. Kapustina. The respondents' ideas about themselves were studied using a personal semantic differential. Results. Comparison of intergroup indicators using the Kruskal–Wallis H test showed the intergroup differences in each factor of personal semantic differential (evaluation, potency, activity). Correlation analysis applying the Pearson coefficient showed the conjugacy of the axes of the archetypal space of Carol Pearson and the semantic space of Charles Osgood. Thus, the axis «self–knowledge - belonging» demonstrates the conjugacy with the «evaluation» and «potency» factors and the axis «stability – change» – with the «activity» factor. In addition, the «evaluation» factor demonstrates the correlation with the stages of the archetypal journey (preparation, journey, return). Discussion. The presence of the conjugacy of the factors of the semantic space of self-evaluation and the axes of the archetypal space allows us to consider the process of embodying archetypal structures in sign systems as a particular case of projecting the nuclear layer structures of the image of the world onto the semantic layer.
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