Introduction. In the context of the growing digitalization of society, the study of the psychological determinants of Internet activity and related to it psychological phenomena, including various forms of digital behavior, is of particular relevance. However, little research has been conducted to identify psychological predictors of constructive and destructive forms of digital behavior, in particular, we consider it interesting to study the parameters of aggressiveness, hostility and features of the cognitive sphere.
Methods. The study involved 107 people (70% female) aged 18 to 25 years. In order to identify the level of aggressiveness and hostility, the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory was used; to measure individual differences in cognitive sphere in terms of the field dependence-independence parameter we used the test of embedded figures (Gottschaldt figures test); to clarify the individual characteristics of thinking we used the method of measuring the style of thinking. In order to study the features of digital behavior, the questioner "Strategies of informational behavior" (SIP) was used. Statistical analysis included: Shapiro-Wilk test, k-means clustering, Student's t-test, non-parametric Mann-Whitney test, standardized mean differences (Cohen's d) and point-biserial correlation coefficient.
Results. Users demonstrating active constructive and destructive forms of digital behavior have significantly higher rates in all indicators of aggressiveness and hostility and demonstrate more pronounced field independence. These forms, both constructive and destructive, are united by the subject's activity. However, the focus of this activity and the intensity of individual digital behavior strategies differ.
Discussion. The obtained results show that the higher levels of subject’s online activity is connected to the field independence, aggressiveness, hostility. These results also indicate the need to continue studying the issue of cognitive mechanisms of behavioral regulation of digital behavior.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ermakov P. N., Kolenova A. S., Denisova E. G., Kupriyanov I. V.