Features of the communicative behavior of the personality of adolescents with different levels of suicidal risks when reality changes


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suicidal behavior
suicidal risk
communicative behavior
real space
virtual space
internet communication
antisuicidal factor
communicative attitude


Introduction. The article analyzes the features of communicative behavior in the virtual space of adolescents with different levels of suicidal risk. For the first time, the study of the communicative behavior of the personality of adolescents with a high level of suicidal risks in real space when they are in social networks was carried out. Most studies prove that being in a virtual environment harms personal development. On account adolescence is a period of personality formation and is characterized by frequent mood swings, maximalism, and a desire to hold centre stage in the reference group, teenagers often find themselves in virtual space, thereby losing interest and communication skills in the real world, which leads to suicidal behavior. Methods. The study was conducted in real and virtual spaces. There 106 adolescents aged 14-16 took part in the ascertaining experiment. To identify groups of adolescents with increased suicidal risk in real space, the authors used the questionnaire of suicidal risk modified by T. N. Razuvaeva. To identify groups of adolescents with suicidal risk in virtual space, the authors used their own modification of the questionnaire by T. N. Razuvaeva. To study the communicative behavior of adolescents, the authors used the methods "Assessment of the level of sociability" (V. F. Ryakhovskii test) and "Diagnosis of communicative attitude" (by V. V. Boiko). Results and discussion. The authors identified changes in suicidal risk in adolescents when changing real space to virtual. They also analyzed the changes in the communicative characteristics of adolescents. It has been established that in the virtual space, the level of cruelty increases in most adolescents, and the vision of the environment acquires a negative connotation, which increases the level of suicidal risk among adolescents.

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