Mediation of productive activity as a condition for overcoming computer addiction in primary school age


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computer addiction
project activity
productive activity
younger schoolchildren


Introduction. The relevance of the problem under study is associated with the specifics of the social situation of development, especially at a younger age, as a determining factor in the formation of addiction. The purpose of the study is to study the perception of parents about the peculiarities of using the Internet by younger students and to develop a project aimed at reducing computer addiction in such children.

Theoretical justification. The theoretical substantiation of the study lies in the fact that modern digital opportunities in creating animated films become a condition for mediating and coordinating productive forms of activity for younger students. The system of productive activities within the framework of the Plasticine Cartoons project, through the systematic organization of joint activities of parents and children, made it possible to minimize computer addiction among younger students.

Results. The practical significance of the work is determined by the designation of the problem and the consideration of one of the options for an effective form of organizing the activities of children and adults, mediated by the use of digital technologies. As a result of the project implementation, children noted changes in the following areas: cognitive, emotional and behavioral.

The discussion of the results. During the implementation of the project, due to the variety of means of interaction between the child and peers and parents, computer addiction in children decreased in the following parameters: reduction in the time spent at the computer, gadgets; an increase in the use of gadgets by children as a means of implementing any activity; increasing the level of communication with peers; expanding the idea of ​​options for joint activities with parents and their own pastime; an increase in situations in which children are oriented towards a dialogue with their parents; no negative reaction to the request to turn off the computer (phone).
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