Meaning-building Techniques for the Implementation of Students’ Value-meaning Choice in the Educational Process


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subjective experience
value-meaning choice
meaning-building techniques
associative-figurative technologies
self-expression and creativity technologies
problem-oriented technologies
support technologies


Introduction. The use of psychological techniques and technologies for the implementation of students’ value-meaning choice in the educational process creates conditions for creative activity and self-disclosure of personal experience, thereby providing a personal-meaning orientation of the learning process. However, there is also a disadvantage of choice, namely, ‘sacrificing’ one alternative in favor of another in such situations. Therefore, the classification of meaning-building techniques for the implementation of a value-meaning choice also contains support technologies. This study reports the first development of a classification of meaning-building techniques capable of initiating students’ value-meaning choice, as well as their testing in the educational process to increase students’ motivation and develop their value-meaning sphere. Methods. The study used the following psychological assessment tools: (a) the Meaning-in-Life Orientations test (MLO) by D. A. Leont’ev, (b) the inventory for Diagnosing the Orientation of Educational Motivation by T. D. Dubovitskaya, and (c) the Multidimensional Questionnaire of Personality Self-Realization (MQPSR) by S. I. Kudinov. The study involved students of the South-Russian State Polytechnic University (Novocherkassk) and the Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don). A total of 437 respondents participated in the study. Results. The results of the formative experiment in the experimental groups showed that according to the MLO test, the overall score of meaningfulness in life increased by 6.5 %; according to the ‘life performance’ subtest, the overall score of meaningfulness in life increased by 2.06 %. According to the MQPSR, the ‘optimism’ indicator increased by 3.6 %, and the ‘pessimism’ indicator, on the contrary, decreased by 2.3 %. Experimental results at the initial and final stages showed the effectiveness of the use of meaning-building techniques in the educational process and speak in favor of the performance and meaningfulness of their life paths. Discussion. The proposed classification of meaning-building techniques is focused not only on students’ self-expression, creation of conditions for creativity, and actualization of subjective experience, but is also represented by technologies of psychological and pedagogical support, which are of particular importance in the act of choice.
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