Introduction. This paper investigates predictors of time attitudes in men and women aged 25–45 years. A theoretical analysis concentrates on the concept of time in the context of classical, non-classical, and post-non-classical ideals of rationality. In the process of individuals’ interaction with objects, time is born as a qualitatively new reality that is reducible neither to the subjective nor to the objective perspective. The psychological category of time is interpreted within the framework of post-non-classical approach that is capable of solving that contradiction.
Methods. The survey method was employed in the study for data collection. Mathematical and statistical analyses included Student’s t-test for independent samples and step-wise regression analysis.
Results. The transspective analysis of the problem of time in psychology enabled authors to describe its dynamics at classical, non-classical, and post-non-classical stages. The study examined time attitudes in men and women and determined their predictors in the context of gender differences.
Discussion. This is the first study that examines the predictors of time attitudes in men and women. Its original findings suggest that there is a dependency between time attitudes and parameters of personal and subjective functioning, including self-actualization, psychological well-being, coping strategies, and psychological defenses. Not so much certain values, as the subsystems of values belonging to various aspects of life (family, hobby, profession, household, etc.) participate in the formation process of time attitudes in men and women. Personal values determine the specific character of regulation of the time of life in women and men. Coping strategies are important for personal organization of time. The study showed the differences in interrelationships between value choices and time attitudes in men and women.
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