Features of aggressive behavior in schoolchildren belonging to various ethnic groups in a post-conflict region
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psychological safety
educational environment
post-conflict region
crisis situations
language barrier
military campaigns
intercultural interaction
priorities of education
multicultural education
pedagogical society
aggressive behavior


The article presents a theoretical study of ethnic characteristics of the creation of psychological safety of the educational environment in a post-conflict region. The authors (a) examined the effects of two military campaigns that led to the destruction of the education system of the Chechen Republic, and (b) considered the results of the restoration, revival and development of the system of modern education in the post-conflict region. The rehabilitation of the infrastructure of educational establishments and creation of
conditions for available and accessible education has the original significance in this region. Bilingualism which leads to a language barrier and impedes a complex support of the educational process at all levels of education is also a challenge. The very bilingualism enables schoolchildren to develop at a cognitive level, but in this case the
Russian language is the only language of the educational process. Training programs and methodical literature are presented in Russian (except two subjects – the Chechen language and Chechen literature), while the children of the postwar period speak Russian
at a low level. In this situation, it is important to organize the full acquisition of both languages (Chechen and Russian) to overcome language barriers in communicative interaction of the educational process. Besides, aggressive behavior in schoolchildren,
which has an impact on the level of their individual development, is the main problem. All these difficulties led to the reduction of the level of safety in the educational system of the Chechen Republic. Besides, the authors find it necessary to increase the professional level of the pedagogical society taking into account ethnic features, requirements of state standards and the consequences of crisis and emergency situations. On the basis of the studied material the authors suggest priority parameters of the educational system which can be used to increase the level of psychological safety in the educational environment.

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