The article contains the characteristic of the main work in S. Spielrein’s scientific heritage – “Destruction as the Cause of Coming into Being” (1912). This classic work is considered as a scientific alternative to S. Freud’s conception ofdeath instinct. Freud defined the death instinct / drive as a regression,“adesire to restore previous condition” or “the tendency to return to the in organic state”, “to rest of lifeless matter”. This is consistent with his idea of “the conservative nature of the libido”. According to S. N. Spielrein, destruction involves thedestruction
of the previous condition for the emergence of a new, destruction, providing transformation, “resurrection” of the individual in a new form. S. Spielrein proposes to distinguish between two basic instincts: the instinct of self-preservation and the instinct of preservation of the species. Thefirst ofthem is simple in structure and conservative, because it aims to preserve the individual in the state ofavailable
cash. The second aims to save the species by way of constants changes, regardless of the individual’s selfish desires and aspirations for sustainability. The instinct of preservation of the species has acomplex two-component structure, in which erotic attraction inseparable from destruction. Thus, this instinct has ambivalent nature and includes both negative and positive (for ego) components. S. N. Spielrein’s ideas of destruction are analyzed in the context of thedestructive events of her life. In the article the main stages of S. Spielrein’s life are described.
The author discusses her contribution to the development ofpsychoanalysis. The author analyzes S. N. Spielrein’s conception of destruction as an original attempt to integrate the ideas of C. G. Jung and S. Freud on a new theoretical basis.
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