The Inuence of Gender Role Identity on Representations of Violence in Female Students
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representation of violence
female violence
domestic violence
gender identity
gender roles
gender dierentiation
interpersonal interaction


The paper discusses the empirical results of the study of the inuence of gender role identity on representations of violence in young female students at the age from 17 to 19. Attitudes towards violence, as well as the use of violence in interpersonal relations appear long before their realization in interpersonal interaction. Theauthors proceeded on the assumption that traditional ideas about gender dichotomy offeatures of violent behaviour were inadequate for the gender system of modern
society. The study sample consisted of 100 respondents. The authors used thefollowing research methods: writing an essay, semantic dierential, and the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI).
The obtained empirical data indicated that the girls with undierentiated(neutral) gender role identity had a wider range of representations of violence, if to compare with the respondents who were guided by dichotomous models of gender behaviour (with “masculine” and “feminine” patterns). The girls with undierentiated(not polarized) gender role identity are able to recognize a large variety of forms ofviolence; they can exibly use and combine various forms of violence for achieving their own goals in corresponding circumstances. In this sample the girls with typically feminine gender role identity were less able to notice unobvious
forms of violence (especially in interpersonal relations); violence usually had polar forms in their representations: either physical, or psychological. Moreover, the girls with typically feminine gender role identity perceived violence in such behavioural patterns which could not be assessed as violent in the given context. The ndings of
the study could be useful for improving the practices of prevention, correction and rehabilitation offemale violent convicts, as well as for reducing manifestations of extreme forms of female violence in society.
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