In the article there are analyzed works of P.A. Kropotkin, the theorist of anarchism. It
is shown that along with sharp criticism of a traditional upbringing system and Marxist
ideas of polytechnic education he has offered the concept of creation of a new system of
craft education which should be realized in the “industrial village” conditions. It is characterized an educational ideal – free comprehensively developed personality possessing encyclopedic knowledge and abilities, providing its life activity.
Кропоткин П.А. Нравственные начала анархизма // http://avtonom.org/pages/petr-kropotkin
Кропоткин П.А. Поля, фабрики и мастерские // http://avtonom.org/pages/petr-kropotkin
Кропоткин П.А. Революционная идея в революции // http://avtonom.org/pages/petr-kropotkin
Кропоткин П.А. Поля, фабрики и мастерские // http://avtonom.org/pages/petr-kropotkin
Кропоткин П.А. Революционная идея в революции // http://avtonom.org/pages/petr-kropotkin