Introduction. Legal psychology rarely examines elderly crime victims, which limits the effectiveness of psychological crime prevention strategies for elderly people. Methods. The study included 50 participants aged 55 to 74. Biographical interviews, court case materials, and judicial and investigative practice documents were used for data collection. We analyzed instances of victim and anti-victim behavior among elderly participants, including behaviors not typically disclosed in autobiographical accounts. The data were processed using content analysis, descriptive statistics, and Student’s t-test. Results. The hypothesis that victimization is not directly caused by the personality type of older individuals was partially supported. Depending on the circumstances, the same personality type can both contribute to victimization and prevent it. Victimization is not solely determined by personality traits, as characteristics such as aggressiveness, passivity, activity, initiative, and neutrality can contribute both to victim and anti-victim behavior. However, the hypothesis was not supported for one personality type in D.V. Rivman’s victim typology: the non-critical type. Discussion. In our view, an anti-victim personality is one that exhibits specific behavioral responses and is able to choose an appropriate reaction to a pre-crime situation, one that aligns with the criteria for victimization, regardless of how they typically respond in other social contexts.
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