Hardiness and Time Perception as Personality Resources of Self-regulation
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conscious self-regulation
time perspective
personality resources
action control
past negative
future orientation


Introduction. Today's world is facing increased uncertainty and new geopolitical risks. In crisis conditions of society development it is necessary to study personal resources of conscious self-regulation among people who are in a difficult life situation. Our study aims to explore the personality resources of conscious self-regulation of people living in the zone of local armed conflict. Methods. The sample was 230 people. We used Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, Hardiness Survey by S.R. Maddi, Conscious Self-Regulation Profile Questionnaire by V.I. Morosanova, Action Control Scale J. Kuhl, U-Mann-Whitney statistical test, r-Spearman correlation coefficient. Results. "Past Negative" time perspective is correlated with low hardiness; Future orientation provides high levels of hardiness and the capacity to project and planning. Action orientation and an ability to realize one's intentions are associated with high hardiness and resilience, future orientation, the ability to be flexible, and to correct the program of actions. Discussion. Time perception and hardiness are significant resources of self-regulation that influence its functional, operational-technical and psychological components.

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