Introduction. Study of place identity phenomenon, its structure and influence on different aspects of human life is a relevant scientific problem. The goal of our research is to reveal the value bases of urban identity within the framework of the subject approach. Methods. The survey sample consisted of 447 respondents, residents of Krasnodar-city. The toolkit included the Droseltis & Vignoles scale in the author’s translation, the B. Kaigorodsky method in the author's modification, “Personality questionnaire for the individual values study”. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation and regression analyses were used to process the data. Results. The research findings showed that the length of residence is an influential factor of place identity: respondents, born and grown up in the conditions of the city under study significantly higher estimate both their deep connection with the city and personal empowerment. In the group of native Krasnodar dwellers, the predictors of the urban identity aspects “Person authenticity in the urban environment” and “Self-actualization in the urban environment” are values of social focus – Conservation and Self-Transcendence, the value basis of the identity parameter “Self-actualization in the urban environment” is value of Openness to change. For respondents who consciously chose Krasnodar as the place of residence, the value of Self-Transcendence was identified as the value basis of the parameter “Authenticity in the urban environment”, at the core of Self-actualization in the urban environment as a factor of place identity, the value of Self-Enhancement was found in this group. For respondents who consider living in the city as temporary, the value predictor of identity with the city is Openness to change, Authenticity in the urban environment is influenced by the value of Conservation extent. Discussion. The results of the study enhance the subject approach, place identity can be considered as a manifestation of personal agency, as a special case of the development of the individual’s existential spaces. The research findings can be used to develop programs aimed at integrating the urban community.
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