Positive Neuroscience – Analyzing Research Directions of The New Integrative Approach
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positive psychology
conspirativistic mentality
social neuroscience
prosocial behavior
aggression prevention


Introduction. Positive neuroscience is an integrative area that aims to study physiological mechanisms in a positive-psychological context. The research of this field touches the problematics of prosocial behavior, personality strengths (VIA), well-being and altruism. The novelty of this research includes theoretical substantiation of the formation of a new direction for the scientific space in Russia – positive neuroscience. Theoretical justification. The main trends of modern positive psychology are positive socialization, well-being and personality strengths (VIA). Three practical areas of application of positive neuroscience are the formation of psychological well-being of the individual, prevention of aggression and stimulation of prosocial behavior of the individual. We analyzed neuroscience researches for its consistency with the positive psychological approach to the study of personality and the possibility of further integrative study of personality at the intersection of three areas of psychological knowledge: positive psychology, personality psychology, and systems psychophysiology, particularly in the aspect of studying aggression and prosocial behavior. Positive neuroscience is both an independent branch of fundamental psychological knowledge and an additional and alternative way of investigating the classical concepts of personality psychology, social psychology and systemic psychophysiology within the framework of the positive-psychological direction, which is confirmed by psychological research. Discussion. Positive neuroscience is a highly promising direction both in the theoretical aspect of studying and describing personality, and in the practical aspect of identifying and finding the most effective ways to form psychological well-being and psychological resilience of the individual, its prosocial patterns of behavior and prevention of aggression and destructive behavior.

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