Introduction. One of the main aspects of text comprehension is going beyond the information actually provided in the text, which needs to be linked with the context, previous knowledge, interpreted and analyzed. This requires a high level of metacognitive engagement in activities, which allows proper planning of one's actions when working with a particular text, reflecting on or evaluating the level of comprehension. Metacognitive engagement consists of metacognitive knowledge (declarative, procedural, conditional) and metacognitive regulation (planning, information management strategies, comprehension monitoring, debugging, evaluation). The purpose of this article is to study the impact of teaching text comprehension methods on students’ metacognitive engagement in activities: possession of metacognitive knowledge and strategies. Methods. The study involved 190 students from the Far Eastern State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia: 95 of them were included in the experimental group that underwent special training in text comprehension methods, while 95 students were included in the control group. In order to determine metacognitive engagement, the "Metacognitive Awareness Inventory" questionnaire by G. Shraw and R. Dennison in adaptation by A.V. Karpov and I.M. Skityaev was used. Results. Students in the experimental group who underwent training in text comprehension methods demonstrated better metacognitive skills than those in the control group who did not receive such training. Discussion. Increasing metacognitive engagement is possible through teaching students text comprehension methods. The methods included in the training program are as follows: creating an illustrative plan for the text, marking the text, asking questions, creating a conceptual table, searching for associations, creating an oral secondary text, determining the reader’s projection, and identifying contradictions.
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