Introduction. In a person's life, a traumatic life situation or incidental life experience may lead to various dysfunction on both physiological and psychological levels. The aim of the study is to identify the specifics of self-esteem, self-attitude and attitudes towards life in people who were physically injured as a result of a traumatic event. Methods. The study involved 220 men with a variety of physical injuries and traumas. We used Sacks Sentence Completion Test, SSCT by J. Sacks, S. Levy and The Twenty Statements Test (TST) ("Who Am I?") by M. Kuhn, T. McPartland. Results. Individuals who had undergone amputations showed normal, healthy levels of self-esteem, while individuals with severe, life-threatening body injuries showed low levels of self-esteem. There are statistically significant differences in self-attitude and attitude towards different aspects of life among people with varying degrees of physical traumas and injuries. Men with severe, life-threatening body injuries showed the most pronounced feelings of guilt; they also had flashbacks to past experiences within the experience of the traumatic situation. Discussion. Researches of self-esteem and self-attitude in individuals who have suffered various physical injuries and traumas confirm our results. Studies confirm that people with injuries of moderate and severe forms have different attitudes towards various aspects of their lives and specifics of guilt feeling formation compared to people who have experienced amputation surgeries.
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