The motivation of achievement and psychometric intelligence were studied at 85 pairs monozigotic and 84 pairs dizigotic twins at the age of 16-20 years. Diagnostics of psychometric intelligence was spent with application of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), for diagnostics of motivation of achievement A. Mehrabian's questionnaire and H. Heckhausen’s projective test was used.
In structure of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale are allocated experience subtests which productivity of performance depends mainly on the saved up experience («Informa- tion», «Vocabulary» «Digit Symbol-Coding», «Arithmetic») and personality subtests which productivity of performance depends on individual distinctions («Picture Completion», «Consecutive pictures (Sorting)», «Digit Span»). The indicators of heritability received on experience subtests to subtests of the WAIS significantly above, than indicators on personality subtests.
The interrelation of intelligence and achievement's motivation has complementary character and is differently shown depending on IQ: at high indicators of intelligence phenotypical correlation with achievement's motivation is positive, and at low - is negative.
The greatest influence on phenotypical variability of achievement's motivation (as implicit, and self-attributed) render shared environment factors, for self-attributed achievement's motivation presence and enough the expressed influence of genetic factors is established.
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