Personality Destructions in the Professional Sphere: Subjective Control as a Factor of Their Overcoming
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subjective control
professional deformation
controllability of life


The introduction presents the substantiation of the relevance of the study of subjective factors of personality destructiveness and emotional exhaustion in the professional space in the conditions of uncertainty. The results of analyzing the research of internal predictors that cause the emergence of destructive transformations and emotional exhaustion of personality in the situation of modern risks are presented. The aspects of negative influence of complex and entropic professional environment on personality adaptation and psychological well-being are described. The barriers of successful adaptation of personality to new requirements with different level of subjective control are shown. The substantive characteristic of psychological effects of the influence of professional socialization on the psychological well-being of the personality or the formation of destructions is given. The novelty of the study lies in the identification and description of subjective control as a factor of effective overcoming of personality destructions in the professional sphere of different orientation. The Results section shows the specificity of the pattern of manifestation of indicators of the formation of components of subjective control of personality in representatives of technical and pedagogical professions. The analysis of the results of the empirical study of the components of the subjective control system as a factor in the prevention of personality destructions in the process of immersion in the profession is described.

The Discussion of the results presents a description and interpretation of the results of the empirical study of manifestation of subjective control components and their relationship with the probability of destructive transformations and emotional exhaustion in persons with different professional orientation. The data of the empirical study show the presence of risks of emotional exhaustion and destructive transformations of personality in the situation of deficits and risks of subjective control. The resource possibilities of subjective control in the prevention of destructive personal transformations under the influence of immersion in the profession are shown for the first time. The Conclusion shows the clustering of psychological factors related to the peculiarities of the system of subjective control, influencing the emergence of emotional exhaustion of personality in the conditions of modern risks of uncertainty. The idea that the effectiveness of psychological assistance programs in overcoming the state of emotional exhaustion and destruction in the professional sphere is determined by the level of mobilization of subjective control resources to achieve success and psychological well-being is emphasized.
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