Introduction. The volume of the Internet audience is rapidly growing, which encourages psychologists and medicals to study Internet addiction, psychology and psychobiology of overly Internet-addicted individuals. Internet addiction has a number of specific properties, but it has common features with chemical addictions. The question of the differential diagnosis of Internet addiction and the validity of its inclusion in the glossary of neuropsychiatric diseases remains open. The aim of the study is a theoretical analysis of the similarities and differences of dependence on digital media in comparison with chemical forms of addiction, the development of methods for differential diagnosis of Internet addiction. Theoretical justification. Neuroplasticity and interactions of genes with the environment, identified in patients with mental and neuropsychiatric disorders of an affective nature, are considered as mechanisms for the transition of excessive Internet involvement into Internet addiction. Neuroplasticity and genetic control of dopamine synthesis and metabolism in cyber-gaming have been founded to be important. Dopamine regulates emotional experiences and cognitive functions characteristic of Internet addicts. In previous studies, we experimentally confirmeda high correlation the R-R-intervals fluctuations as a marks of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) function, which is involved in the formation of negative emotions and reactions to stress, and the behavior of adolescents on the Internet. Discussion. The main directions of the development of differential diagnosis of Internet addiction are psychodiagnostics of adolescents' behavior on the Internet and their individual and personal characteristics, psychophysiological study of the characteristics of ANS in relation with the behavior of adolescents on the Internet.
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