Perception of Time and Situation of Uncertainty by Students with Different Strategies of Informational Behavior
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informational behavior strategies
informational behavior
tolerance to uncertainty
time orientation
negative past
positive past
fatalistic present
hedonistic present


Introduction. The high level of uncertainty in modern life makes young people turn to the virtual environment. Modern students are active users of Internet content and demonstrate different strategies of informational behavior of a normative and risky nature. Our research is devoted to studying the relationships between time orientations, information behavior strategies and indicators of tolerance to uncertainty among university students. Methods. The study involved 192 students of the humanities faculties, aged from 18 to 29 years, with an average age of 20 years; 160 girls and 32 boys. Methods used: “Strategies of Information Behavior” SIP (Abakumova et al.), questionnaire “Involvement in the Internet Environment” (Grishina, Zvezdina), D. McLane’s Tolerance of Uncertainty Scale, “Time Perspective Questionnaire” by F. Zimbardo. Spearman's r-rank correlation coefficient was applied. Results. The sample of students shows a relative balance in the expression of time perspectives. Students with a positive past orientation are more tolerant of uncertainty; normative strategies of information behavior dominate in them. Students with a negative past orientation showed an avoidance of uncertainty and a preference for monosyllabicity. Students with a negative past orientation more often resort to risky behavior and seek satisfaction of their needs in non-normative ways in the Internet environment. The respondents' perception of their present as fatal showed their great vulnerability to risks, inability to control their lives and be tolerant of uncertainty. Discussion. Positive past orientation and hedonic present orientation are positively associated with preferences for uncertainty and novelty and normative information behavior strategies. Negative past experience reduces the level of tolerance to uncertainty and is associated with risky strategies of informational behavior, which can act as a coping strategy for unconstructive problem solving.
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