Introduction. The relevance of the issues of constructing a person's life path is conditioned by intensive modern transformations and the need to function in conditions of uncertainty, innovation, risks, multitasking and time deficit. The focus of the present study is the identification of psychological indicators of the subjectivity of life position in youth (chronotopic, metacognitive and reflexive). Methods. The diagnostic study was conducted with the participation of girls and young men studying undergraduate programmes at the Orenburg State Pedagogical University (n = 217, age of the subjects 19-24 years old). The psychodiagnostic complex consisted of standardised methods of diagnostics of life position, temporality, psychological boundaries, metacognitive processes and self-constructs: "Personal Life Position Questionnaire (PLQ)", "Temporal Modalities of Life Existence", "Psychological Boundary Diagnostic Methodology", "Analyticity-Holistic Scale", "Self-Efficacy Scale", "Tolerance-Intolerance to Uncertainty Questionnaire", "Related Self-Concept", "Collective and Independent Self-Concept". Results. The results of the conducted research fix the connection of subjectivity of the life position with the balance of modal evaluations, rationalisation of time periods of life realization, giving and taking in functions of psychological boundaries, tolerance to uncertainty, self-efficacy, independent self-concept. Discussion. Psychological indicators of the subjectivity of the position in youth are a holistic and authentic perception of the present, a meaningful attitude to time, its perception as a resource for achieving goals and realising life tasks. The balanced information-energy exchange between the external and internal spaces of the personality, provided by the intensity and vigour of the passing functions of psychological boundaries (taking in and giving away), is significant for the formation of the subjectivity of the life position. The importance of intrasubjective self-constructs in the formation of the subject's position in adolescence is proved. The analysis of significant links between the subjectivity of the position and metacognitive processes - self-efficacy, tolerance to uncertainty - is presented. In adolescence, the identified indicators reveal the potential of personality in the independent choice of goals and strategies for their achievement, building an authentic life line on the basis of an active, responsible and conscious attitude to their own lives, constructive creative self-realisation and self-development.
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