Introduction. In the conditions of modern digital society, the research of socio-psychological competence of adolescents with disabilities (AWD) is relevant. Socio-psychological competence determines the variable ability of a personality to adapt in interpersonal interaction. The novelty of the work lies in the development of a typology of socio-psychological competence of adolescents with disabilities taking into account the properties and degree of their adaptability. Methods. Adolescents with mild mental retardation (n = 84), adolescents with visual impairment (visually impaired) (n = 70) and adolescents with hearing impairment (hearing impaired) (n = 60) were recruited as respondents (n = 294). The control group included adolescents with normal development (n = 80). The studied parameters of socio-psychological competence - directions and types of reactions in a frustrating situation, self-esteem and level of pretensions, types of behaviour, social interest and others - were assessed by the method of expert evaluations and the projective method. The methods of factor and cluster analysis were used for statistical data processing. Results. On the basis of mathematical and statistical processing of the results of the empirical study, a typology of socio-psychological competence of adolescents was created taking into account the characteristics of adaptability-maladaptability of personality. The proposed typology includes four different types of competence: (1) adaptive type, (2) partially adaptive, (3) partially maladaptive, and (4) maladaptive type. Discussion of results. As a result of the study, it was proved that groups of adolescents with disabilities are heterogeneous in terms of the degree of adaptability-maladaptability, the presence and expression of personal resources, and the characteristics of social and psychological competence of adolescents in these groups are largely determined by the potential safety of the intellectual sphere in case of sensory disorders and intellectual weakness in case of mental retardation.
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