Manifestations of Speech Defects in the Processes of Speech Perception and Inner Speaking
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inner speech
auditory evoked potentials
speech disorders
functional dyslalia
sound image
pronunciation defects
inner speaking


Introduction. Existing research in the field of speech disorders does not provide a systematic understanding of the relationship between brain bioelectric activity and the nature of speech disorders, characteristics of speech perception and inner speech. This study aims to compare brain activity during the perception and inner speaking of words between a group of non-language impaired subjects and a group of subjects with functional dyslalia. For the first time, an analysis and comparison of evoked potentials (EPs) of the brain in the process of speech perception and inner speaking in individuals with and without rhotacism were carried out.   Methods. A total of 36 subjects participated in the EEG study, including 18 subjects suffering from the rhotacism speech impediment. The subjects were presented with auditory stimuli (words) spoken by a speaker with rhotacism and a speaker without sound pronunciation peculiarities. Subsequently, the study participants were asked to mentally repeat the word, maintaining the tone and pronunciation characteristics as in overt speech. Results. During the EEG study, the most significant differences in the EP structure were found in lead C3. Discussion. The differences in EP in the process of speech perception and inner speaking in subjects with and without rhotacism were analyzed. It was shown that for the task on speech perception and inner speaking of speech stimuli, there is a tendency to distinguish between defective and normative pronunciation of words by a group of individuals without speech disorders. No significant differences in EP were observed in subjects with rhotacism under the same conditions. It can be assumed that individuals with rhotacism do not perceive the difference between these pronunciation options.
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