Introduction. This study examines the goal- and situation-related determination of human behavior. The concept of the contextual nature of human goals was the basis of research. According to this principle, goals should be considered (1) in a broad life context of opportunities given to individuals by life circumstances, or in terms of limitations related to them; (2) in a time context of individuals’ life plans, future, ideas and their success or failure in achieving their goals. Methods. A questionnaire form was created in which hypothetically assumed goal setting factors (importance of goals in different spheres of life and satisfaction with their implementation, assessment of the opportunities provided by the situation, etc.) were recorded. Furthermore, the Potential for Self-change questionnaire (V. R. Manukyan, I. R. Murtazina, & N. V. Grishina), the Test of Existential Motivations (A. Längle), and the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (F. Zimbardo) were used. The sample comprised 350 subjects; 84.8 % of respondents aged 17 to 25. Correlation and factor analyses were performed. Results. The importance of individual goals was related to the assessment of the possibilities of achieving them in the current life situation, satisfaction with their implementation in major spheres of life, compatibility between achievements and expectations of the past, and willingness to self-change and to change life situation. The major goal setting factor, referred to the ‘window of opportunities’, integrates an individual’s assessment of the extent to which his/her current life situation in various spheres enables him/her to realize himself/herself and his/her capabilities. The ‘window of opportunities’ is also characterized by significant associations with the need for self-change, the ability to consciously change the self, the belief in the possibility of changing the self, and fundamental existential motivation aimed at meanings in life. Discussion. The results of this study confirm the appropriateness and necessity of context-based studies of human life goals and the heuristic value of this approach.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Nataliya V. Grishina, Marina O. Avanesyan, Mariya V. Makarova, Veronika D. Mamaeva-Niles