The Relationship Between Psychological Capital and Students' Choice of Interaction Positions and Self-affirmation Strategies
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psychological capital
self-affirmation strategies


Introduction. The relevance of the problem is caused by the importance of studying the role of various factors, in particular, psychological capital, in people's choice of interaction positions and self-affirmation strategies. The novelty of the research is to identify the relationship of psychological capital, its individual components, and the choice of students' positions of interaction, strategies of self-affirmation.

Methods. The study was attended by students of a number of universities in Moscow, Ivanovo, Cherepovets; a total of 342 people, including 72 men (21.06%), 270 women (78.94%), aged 17 to 26 years, the average age is 19.8 years (standard deviation = 1.88). As specific methods we used the author's questionnaire to identify the positions of interaction (V. G. Maralov, V. A. Sitarov (2018)), the Russian-language version of the questionnaire Lutans, Joseph and Avolio on the identification of psychological capital in the author's modification, a questionnaire by S. A. Kireeva and T. D. Dubovitskaya on the identification of self-affirmation strategies.

Results. The study has found that the choice of positions of coercion and manipulation negatively correlates with psychological capital and a constructive strategy of self-affirmation, is positively associated with a destructive strategy of self-affirmation. Choosing a position of nonviolence positively correlates with psychological capital and with a constructive strategy of self-affirmation. The choice of a non–interference position is negatively associated with psychological capital and positively with the rejection of self-affirmation.

Discussion. It was found that psychological capital was interrelated with the students' choice of interaction positions and self-affirmation strategies, which is consistent with the results obtained by other researchers. The obtained results can be used for research and practical purposes, for example, to build an individual trajectory of self-development in the process of working with students.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Vladimir G. Maralov, Vyacheslav A. Sitarov, Larisa V. Romanyuk, Irina I. Koryagina, Marina A. Kudaka