Introduction. The article deals with methodological and conceptual issues of the implementation
of the theory of gradual formation of mental actions by P. Ya. Galperin in the conditions of
distance learning in higher education. We have analyzed for the first time the potential of P.
Ya. Galperin’s theory of the gradual formation of mental actions for methodological support
of distance university lectures and described the vectors of its transformation in connection
with the electronic learning format. Methods. The study material was lectures conducted on
the YouTube platform. The study participants were students and teachers from Bunin Yelets
State University who gave them batch lectures using the YouTube service. The method of
active interviews with students and teachers was applied as a research tool. The results were
processed using a meaningful content analysis. Results. It was found that both the advantages
and disadvantages of distance lectures reflect the psychology of assimilation of mental actions
described in P. Ya. Galperin theory. Thus, to meet the quality standards of education, the
content of the educational materials presented in the lecture must meet the requirements of
the third type of learning, according to P. Ya. Galperin. The generality and completeness of
the educational material should be ensured, subject to the condition that the volume of the
educational material does not exceed the traditional lecture’s volume. Discussion. The results
obtained indicate that the distance learning form does not exclude the successful application
of the fundamental provisions of the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions, which
once again proves the importance of this theory for building successful learning technologies
regardless of the learning format. In the context of the development of this theory, the opinion
is expressed about the need to teach students the technique of processing the written form
of a distance lecture, translating it into a mini-abstract format.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Angelica N. Pronina, Tatyana P. Budyakova