A Child with ASD in Kindergarten: Resources for Teachers’ Psychological Readiness
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preschool age
educational psychology
developmental disorders
autism spectrum
mental health
teacher readiness
compensatory orientation


Introduction. This paper presents a new look at the issue of training preschool teachers and examines
the practical training of psychology and education professionals for working with children with
autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In recent years, the number of preschools with compensatory
groups has increased by an average of 30% over the past decade, requiring the creation of the
conditions for the education and development of children with ASD. This study aims to determine
the resources of teachers’ psychological readiness to work with children with ASD in preschool
educational institutions. Methods. The study used an analysis of psychological and educational
literature, regulatory documents for the organization of the education process and psychological
and pedagogical support for children with ASD, as well as an author questionnaire containing
8 questions that assessed psychological and educational knowledge, level of knowledge,
difficulties and the necessary support for teachers working with children with ASD. The study
included 60 preschool teachers working with children with ASD. The results of the survey identified
specific aspects of teaching in working with children with ASD and the difficulties in organizing
teacher work for compensatory groups. The most difficult is the transition from the theoretical
knowledge of children with ASD to practical work with this category of children. Discussion. This
study confirms previous findings that teachers working with preschoolers with ASD lack special
knowledge and skills to deal with these children’s problems and improve their skills. Conclusion.
Based on the results obtained in this study, it is possible to establish a trajectory for the professional
training of teachers and educators working with children with ASD and to include the module
aimed at forming systemic theoretical knowledge of developmental disabilities and practical
skills in working with modern technologies to teach and educate this category of children and
to interact with parents in the university curriculum for future teachers.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Irina A. Nigmatullina, Valeria A. Stepashkina, Lilia D. Pavlova