Complementary model of personality self-determination
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free will
meaningful choice


Introduction. The relevance of studying the phenomenon of self-determination is substantiated
by the compliance of this research problem with two actively developing areas of personality
psychology – the psychology of a change and the psychology of a possible. The variety of
manifestations of personality self-determination, the complexity and uniqueness of this phenomenon
necessitate the generalization of existing theoretical developments, ideas and concepts, as well
as accumulated empirical material. Modern Russian authors formulate theoretical prerequisites
for the study of self-determination in the framework of the subject-activity approach, however,
providing empirical research, they are often based on the methodology of foreign colleagues.
The originality of the present work consists in the search for new methodological foundations for
the study of personality self-determination. Theoretical justification. The complexity and ambiguity
of the phenomenon of self-determination enhance the differentiation of theoretical approaches
to its description. The researchers focus on different levels of manifestations of self-determination:
the nature-conditioned ability to self-organization and the innate need for autonomy of the
individuum, the processes of self-regulation of behavior and activity by the Subject, the mechanisms
of the formation of subjectity and the development of the Self, as well as personality’s ways to
realize a freedom and an intentionality. Along with a wide variety of theories and concepts,
there is a deficiency of systemic and complex models. Results. The authors of the article first
proposed the complementary model of self-determination, which allows to integrate existing
theoretical approaches to research through a level-by-level consideration of individ’s, subject’s
and personality characteristics. The basic level of spontaneous (functional) self-determination
corresponds to the principles of self-organization of complex open non-equilibrium systems with
a naturally conditioned ability to self-deterministic behavior. The second level of purposeful or
“activity-based” self-determination demonstrates the role of conscious planning, volitional effort
and conscious choice as a tool for achieving goals and self-regulation of the Subject. Finally, the
third, highest level of meaningful self-determination describes the value and moral self-regulation
associated with the implementation of meaningful choices. Discussion. The research presents a
new look at the scientific problem of personality self-determination. The complementary model
reflects a complex multilevel system of self-determination, the evolution of its mechanisms in the process of ontogenesis from the basic psychological needs of the individuum to the complex
processes of meaningful self-determination of the personality.
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