Introduction. The mechanisms of exogenous attention, having a high sensitivity to the physical characteristics of sensory signals, provide primary adaptation to the environment. We have suggested that non-local features of the visual scene may have different priorities in attracting exogenous attention. The process of exogenous orientation in the situation of pairwise competition of modulated textures was studied for the first time by isolating the N2pc component. As a result of the study, we established the peculiarities of attention distribution in pairs of spatial features modulated on textures, expanding the idea of the work of exogenous control mechanisms in the visual system. Methods. The study involved 32 people aged 18.2 ± 0.4 years with normal vision. The experiment consisted of three parts performed according to the same scheme: the task of the subject was to find the target stimulus (modulated texture) given in the instructions among the decoy (another modulated texture) and distractors. During the experiment, an EEG was recorded in order to analyze the N2pc component. Results. Based on the comparison of the N2pc component, it was found that contrast and orientation modulations attract exogenous attention to a greater extent than spatial frequency modulation. The theoretical significance of the results lies in the study of the fundamental mechanisms of exogenous control in the visual system. The results of studying this process can be applied in the development of graphical interfaces, brain–computer systems, as well as in solving a wide range of problems of engineering psychology related to the optimization of human-machine interaction. Discussion. Contrast and orientation modulations may have a higher priority for exogenous attention than spatial frequency modulation. In a situation of simultaneous presentation with the latter, contrast and orientation modulations can largely distract attention due to their greater salience. The lower latency of the N2pc component in response to orientation modulation suggests the priority of its processing in comparison with contrast and spatial frequency modulations.
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