Effect of Art Therapy on Adolescents’ Mental Health
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art therapy
mental health


Introduction. Adolescent children continue to be vulnerable to issues of mental health. A significant population of these groups suffers from peer pressure, depression, anxiety and parental pressure. Many adolescent people fail to express their emotions to other people. As a result, they experience low self-esteem, fail to communicate effectively and sometimes even fail to appreciate their personalities. Theoretical Basis. A research study that employs the systematic review follows formulated questions. In this research, the formulated question guides understanding the relevance of studies in the matter under investigation. The method effectively identifies the research question using the PICOTS (Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome, Timing and Setting) framework. Results and Discussion. Research obtained from the American Art Therapy Association informs on the efficacy of art therapy. In various ways, researchers observe that it has a positive effect on general mental health regardless of the artistic experience. Thus, art therapy has a general benefit to the community at large while influencing the impact of mental and physical health. Researchers should plan to evaluate the extreme effects of art therapy on mental health diagnosis, treatment alternatives, and integration into learning environments in future studies. Art therapy is one of the important mental health interventions with significant benefits to these adolescents. The intervention tends to offer an integrated approach treatment that focuses on mental and emotional complications. Professional therapists argue that art therapy offers an innate communication and expressive chance for individuals with mental conditions. Additionally, the therapeutic intervention covers the needs of the patient, setting the creative engagement platform.

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