Strategies for parents' response to negative emotions and empathic reactions of preschool children


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emotion socialization
emotion development
supportive strategy
non-supportive strategy
coping reactions
empathic reactions
emotional competence
parental behavior


Introduction. The research goal involves the study of supportive and nonsupportive strategies of parents' response to negative emotions and empathic reactions of preschool children. Methods. The study involved parents of 5-7–year-old children in the number of 52 people (23 women and 29 male). Diagnostic tools: questionnaire "The nature of manifestations of empathic reactions and behavior in children" by Shchetinina A.M.; Scale of overcoming negative emotions in children (CCNES) by Fabes, R. A., Poulin, R., Eisenberg, N., & Madden-Derdich, D. A. Statistical data processing was carried out in the SPSS Statistics 25 program using correlation analysis according to Spearman's criterion. Results. The analysis of the empirical data obtained was carried out in several stages: the studied variables were identified (forms of empathic reactions of children according to their parents' assessment – humanistic, egocentric, mixed); types of parents' response to negative emotions of children (distress reactions; punitive reactions; expressive encouragement; emotion-oriented reactions; problem-oriented reactions; reactions minimization). The primary statistical characteristics of the variables are determined on the basis of which a statistical correlation analysis is carried out. The differences in parents' assessments of children's empathic manifestations and the types of parents' responses to negative emotions are shown, corresponding to two strategies of emotion socialization – supportive, optimal for preschoolers, and nonsupportive, disharmonious. Based on the model of emotion socialization, the key concept of which is the emotion-oriented socializing behavior of parents, the study examines the strategies of parents' response to negative emotions of children as a component of emotion socialization, emphasizing their unique role in the formation of basic emotional experience in preschoolers. Discussion. The conducted research shows the optimal types of parents' response to the emotional expressions of children and their contribution to the emotional development and formation of socio-emotional competence of preschoolers.
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