Relationships between smartphone addiction and personal qualities and properties of Belarusians and Russians


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smartphone addiction
exposure to manipulation
social media addiction


Introduction. Smartphone addiction is the most common non-medical addiction. The purpose of the study is to find common and differences in the relationship between smartphone addiction and personal qualities and properties of Belarusian and Russian men and women ( assertiveness , impulsiveness, narcissism, vulnerability to manipulation, dependence on social networks), comparing the results corresponding to these groups of respondents.

Methods. Smartphone addiction diagnosed CAC-16 questionnaire (author V.P. Sheinov), assertiveness - assertiveness test (V.P. Sheinov), vulnerability to manipulation - questionnaire "Assessment of the degree of vulnerability of an individual from manipulative influences" (V.P. Sheinov), dependence on social networks - questionnaire ZSS-15 (V.P. Sheinov, A.S. Devitsyn ) , and impulsivity - by V. BUT. Losenkov , narcissism - questionnaire E. Kot. Results. In the relationship between smartphone dependence and personal qualities and characteristics in the Belarusian ( n = 403) and Russian ( n = 361) samples of men and women, more similarities were found than differences: smartphone addiction is negatively associated with assertiveness and positively with impulsivity, loss of control over oneself, fear of refusal to use a smartphone, euphoria from its use, dependence on social networks. Regardless of gender and geographic location, the strongest link is between smartphone addiction and loss of self-control. A negative relationship was found between dependence on a smartphone and exposure to manipulation in Belarusian women, while in Russian women this relationship is positive. A negative relationship was found between smartphone dependence and narcissism among Russian women, in the absence of it among other groups of respondents. Discussion of the results. The data obtained on the relationship between smartphone addiction and personal qualities and properties of Belarusians and Russians are new, in general they are consistent with the results of studies in other societies, while there are some differences.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Sheinov V. P., Nizovskikh N. A., Belykh T. V., Devitsyn A. S.