Introduction. Many theoretical models explain differences in changes in physiological indicators during the implementation of lying and truth-declaring behaviors in polygraph tests. From our point of view, lies can be regarded as a special goal-oriented behavior provided by the implementation of corresponding functional systems – elements of subjective experience. At the same time, polygraph examinations are stressful due to the motivation for the test. We were interested in the characteristics of the actualization of subjective experience when the result of information concealment behavior is achieved under the above-mentioned conditions. Methods. The experiment used the modified version of the Block Test by V. V. Korovin in the form of the concealed information test. Heart rate registrations were carried out. Both entropy (as an indicator of rhythm complexity that reflects systemic subordination of behavior) and spectral indicators of rhythm (as a stress severity assessment) were calculated. The examinees were instructed to conceal information obtained at various stages of ontogenesis. Results. The study was carried out with the participation of 40 subjects who underwent polygraph examinations during their employment. We analyzed their heart rate entropy in the process of producing honest and false answers under stressful conditions. When information concealment behaviors are realized, entropy changes in different directions. However, this dependence has not been revealed for the new experience, apparently due to the process of temporary system dedifferentiation, i.e. the deactualization of comparatively new systems. Discussion. A polygraph test model based on the system-evolutionary approach was proposed. In the process of passing the test, there appears to be a formation of non-universal functional systems of ‘lies’, but rather those depending on the component of the experience to which this information belongs. Moreover, it is difficult to considerably improve information concealment behaviors of the examinees, due to the impossibility of rapid correction of behavior based on feedback.
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