Regulatory Resources for Work Engagement and Overcoming Professional Deformations in the Context of Human Well-being in the Work Environment


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conscious self-regulation
resource approach
cognitive regulatory resources
personal regulatory resources
professional well-being
work engagement
professional deformations


Introduction. This paper focuses on the search for regulatory resources for a person’s professional well-being. The authors theoretically demonstrate that professional well-being can be characterized by work engagement and serious professional deformations. They consider conscious self-regulation as a meta-level of an integral system of psychic self-regulation, including cognitive regulatory and personal regulatory resources for achieving goals. These resources contribute to solving various types of problems in human activity. Methods. Sample: 119 marine flotilla employees aged 19 to 54 years. Assessment tools: (a) Self-regulation Profile Questionnaire, SRPQM 2020, (b) Russian-language modification of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, UWES, and (c) the Personality and Behavior Deformations scale of the Integral Diagnostics and Correction of Professional Stress, IDCPS. Results. The results of structural modeling demonstrated that with the increase in conscious self-regulation for achieving goals, the work engagement of employees increases and the probability of professional deformations decreases. The study revealed that the personal regulatory characteristics of self-regulation (reliability and flexibility) not only predict work engagement and overcoming professional deformations, but also mediate the influence of cognitive regulatory processes on them. Thus, the development of conscious self-regulation for achieving goals can serve as a regulatory resource for work engagement, overcoming professional deformations, and achieving professional well-being in the work environment. Discussion. The data obtained reveal the prospects of a resource approach to the study of conscious self-regulation in solving the problem of human well-being in various environments. The results of the study can be used to develop programs to support mental health and human well-being in the professional environment.
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