Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Metacognition and Emotional Intelligence of Natural Science Students


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emotional intelligence
metacognitive regulation
higher education
remote learning


Introduction. This paper presents the results of an empirical study that compares the parameters of the metacognitive components and emotional intelligence (EI) of young people using cross-sectional surveys before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study explores, for the first time, the effects of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic using samples of natural science students. Methods. The sample was comprised of 551 second-year students at St. Petersburg State University, 260 of whom took part in the study in 2018–2019; 98 respondents took part in the study in May 2020; 114 respondents took part in the study in January 2021; 79 respondents took part in the study in May 2021. The study used the following diagnostic tools: (a) the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire developed by D. V. Lyusin, (b) a short version of the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory modified by E. I. Perikova and V. M. Byzova, (c) the Differential Test of Reflectivity developed by D. A. Leontiev and E. N. Osin, and (d) the Self-organization of Activity Questionnaire developed by E. Yu. Mandrikova. Results. The study showed an increase in the scores of metacognitive awareness and metacognitive regulation, as well as a reduction in interpersonal EI in students during the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to the pre-pandemic group. Students’ scores of purposefulness and intrapersonal EI increased significantly during the pandemic. However, the differences were only significant in some pandemic subgroups. The predictors contributing to the level of intrapersonal EI differed in the pre-pandemic and pandemic groups. Systemic reflection and purposefulness were significant predictors of the level of intrapersonal EI for the pre-pandemic group (explained 11 % of the variance). Systemic reflection, metacognitive knowledge, and perseverance were significant predictors of the level of intrapersonal EI for the pandemic group (explained 28 % of the variance). Discussion. The emerging transition from the classical form of learning to remote learning, in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic, seems to lead to an improvement in metacognitive regulation and a decline in interpersonal EI in students of natural sciences.
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