Psychosemantic Typology of Student Positional Strategies in Structural and Dynamic Education Environment


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positional strategies
structural dynamic environment
information educational environment
psychosemantic levels
cognitive noetic development
cognitive formations
psychosemantic model
modal vectors
structural attractor
typological combinations


Introduction. This paper presents the basis for the structural and dynamic model of positional strategies in the university information and educational environment. Theoretically, it shows possible variations of the psychosemantic description of the typological combinations of complex positional strategies. The novelty lies in the development and approval of a research model for the psychosemantic typology of positional strategies when students perform reflective educational tasks. Methods. The study used content analysis of texts of reflective educational tasks completed by students who were forced to study remotely in 2020–2021 (due to the pandemic). The procedure for categorizing psychosemantic levels of cognitive development enabled the determination and identification of 16 positional strategies by combining their dynamic and structural components in a two-dimensional environment. Results. The results of content analysis were presented to determine the dominant positional strategies of students in the structure and dynamic environment of a particular educational situation. The highest degree of dominant positional strategies associated with the dynamic level of emotions and the structural level of constructs was recorded. Strategies at the structural symbolic level and strategies at the dynamic imagination level were considered the least expressed. Discussion. Some contradictory trends found in the analysis of positional strategies are discussed. On the one hand, there is some personal maturity among the respondents, and on the other hand, there is insufficient participation in the deeper structures of the world, as well as the evident inertia of the ‘education baggage’ of students. We emphasized the importance of recognizing the diversity of individual education strategies and the need to harmonize psychosemantic organization in the education process.
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