Motivations for Using Social Media, Online Risk Factors, and Psychological Well-being of Adolescents in Relation to the Integration of Social Media into Everyday Activity


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social networking sites
social media
psychological well-being
risk factors
life satisfaction
online risks
self-presentation motive


Introduction. This study examines the role of social media in everyday activity. The amount of time spent on social networking sites, number of social contacts, and motives for using social media are interrelated characteristics that affect the emotional state and psychological well-being of adolescents. In this study, the authors sought to explore associations among substantial and formal characteristics of social media, motives for using social media, and risk factors. The study aimed to identify the impact of the indicators of activity on social network sites on adolescents’ subjective psychological well-being. Methods. An online survey was used for data collection. A total of 409 social network users aged 14 to 17 years took part in the study. The authors assessed formal indicators of social media use, motives for using social networking sites, online risk factors, and subjective psychological well-being. The authors used the Social Media Use Integration Scale to assess the degree of social media integration into everyday activity. Results. Social media use indicators (the amount of time spent on social networking sites and number of friends) were associated with higher levels of social media integration and online risks. Motivations for using social media were associated with higher risks; preserving anonymity in social media was associated with lower risks. Adolescents’ subjective psychological well-being decreased while risks increased and social media became much more integrated into their lives. Nevertheless, a large number of friends and the presence of a potential for realizing self-presentation motives enhanced life satisfaction. Discussion. The integration of social media into adolescents’ everyday lives leads to multidirectional effects, increases online risks, and contributes to the realization of socialization motives, which, in its turn, differently affects their psychological well-being.
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