Emotional Intelligence Contributes to the Feeling of Self-Realization: A Case of Russian Young Adults



Ключевые слова

professional self-realization
personal self-realization
social self-realization
emotional intelligence
interpersonal emotional intelligence
intra-personal emotional intelligence
understanding of emotions
management of emotions
young adults


Introduction. Young adults compose one of the most dynamic social groups, sensitive to changes. Dependent on various personal characteristics and life circumstances, this sensitivity could lead either to successful social adaptation and subsequent life satisfaction or trigger dysfunctional behaviours and psychological maladaptation. Young adults often face the contradiction between profound need for self-realization and limited capacity for achieving it and need psychological resources to overcome this challenge. This study takes to the next new level empirical exploration of the role emotional intelligence plays in shaping self-realization in young adults. Methods. The sample of study participants included full- (= 52) and part-time (= 60) university students. They completed demographic forms, Multidimensional Questionnaire on Personality Self-Realization – personal, professional, and social, and the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. Correlational and regression analyses were employed for data processing. Results. Participants’ age, especially in conjunction with the part-time working status was negatively correlated with all three types of self-realization, Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that the general factor of emotional intelligence significantly contributed to self-realization (< 0.01). Furthermore, its interpersonal component was the strongest predictor, uniquely contributing from 7 % to 16% of explained variability in the criterion variables. Discussion. The findings indicate that emotional intelligence is a strong adaptive factor capable of compensating for the negative influence of challenging changes in life circumstances. Implications for further research and applied practice of psychological aid for young adults in their transition from educational to working environments are considered and discussed.


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