Readiness for Innovative Activities Among Students of Technical Universities
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innovation activities
personality development
openness to experience
university students
innovativeness index


Introduction. Nowadays innovations determine the success of breakthrough transformations in the country. This article examines readiness for innovative activities among student youth studying at technical universities. Methods. The study used the following techniques: (a) the techniques by Sh. Schwartz and R. Inglehart to measure individual values; (b) the questionnaires for assessing activity self-organization and styles of responding to changes; (c) the scales for self-assessing innovative personality traits, needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness, life satisfaction, and academic motivation; (d) ‘openness’ scale of the Big Five questionnaire; and (e) the index of personal readiness for activities. Factor analysis and regression analysis of diagnostic results were carried out. The sample comprised 160 students of Tomsk Technical Universities. Results. The findings identified the most significant factors influencing the manifestation of students’ innovative characteristics. These include, first of all, personality values, styles of responding to changes, and openness to experience. The study of values as a significant predictor of innovative activities showed the heterogeneity of the value system of students studying at technical universities. The simultaneous manifestation of traditional values, values of survival, and the values of openness to change, self-transcendence, and self-determination is characteristic of them. Regression analysis showed that the innovative style of responding to changes is not characteristic of students. Discussion. This study represents the first attempt to measure the main psychological characteristics that affect the manifestation of innovativeness among students of technical universities, and also the parameters of their personal readiness for innovative activities. In the context of readiness for innovative activities personal characteristics of young people are contradictory. However, there are positive tendencies towards self-development and professional improvement. The findings speak in favour of the transitivity of social reality in society and indicate the need to create the educational environment focused on personal development and innovative competencies of students.
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