Subjective Assessment of Places by Saint Petersburg Local Residents
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assessment of place
sense of place
pleasantness of place
sense of space
urban space
sense of self
sovereignty of psychological space
life satisfaction index
collective representations


Introduction. To find a really comfortable place is a challenge. The subjective assessment of places is determined by individual senses and collective representations. Collective representations of comfort may differ considerably from individual senses. Representations substitute for senses, which interferes the process of their identification and transmission. This study identifies individual senses, differentiates them from representations, examines the process for assessing places, and describes factors influencing it. The hypothesis is as follows: Individual temperament and the sense of self are predictors of assessment. The additional hypothesis is that the category of ‘pleasantness’ is the resulting synthesis of individual assessment of places. The novelty of the approach lies in a complex empirical research that is offered through application of standardized psychological tests, as well as through acquiring data with the use of a neurodevice outside the laboratory, on the streets with the help of the author’s ‘Assessment of Places’ questionnaire that is a unifying factor.
Methods. The study presents the data about subjective assessment of places and the results of the factor and regression analyses. The predictors were (a) scores of respondents in the Self-actualization Test, SAMOAL, a modified version of Personal Orientation Inventory by E. Shostrom, (b) Self-relation Test by S. R. Pantileev, (c) Sovereignty of Psychological Space test by S. K. Nartova-Bochaver, (d) Eysenck Personality Inventory, EPI, variant B, and (e) Life Satisfaction Index by J. Strelau. The pre-examination state of participants was measured using the HAM questionnaire (state of health-activity-mood). Places were associated with colors of Luscher Color Test. The data were processed using the Color Test of Attitudes, CTA, by A. M. Etkind. Sample characteristics: 31 local residents of Saint Petersburg, mean age 26.68 years (56.7 % females; 43.3 % males) were questioned on a walking route 1.5 km long with stops at 4 different places in Vasilievsky Island.
Results. The distribution of correlations depends on the novelty of places and the level of activity, which suggests that subjective parameters influence assessment. Regression equations were built for assessments. The impact of such predictors as a sense of self and temperament on subjective assessment of places was demonstrated.
Discussion. The categories of ‘inviting’ and ‘excluding’ places are considered as complex ones. The obtained equations support the following conclusions: (a) Comfortable and cosy places are considered inviting. (b) Dirty and increasing anxiety are considered excluding. Recommendations are made to pay more frequent visits to places with low-level external activity, where individuals can more easily comprehend their own senses.
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