Introduction. This study investigates the characteristics of personal value motivational sphere in psychologists and psychiatrists at the stage of professional self-realization. Previous studies in this field have mainly been focused on studying the formation of psychological readiness for work at the stage of professional training or when entering into professional activity. Further stages of the professionalization of physicians and psychologists are most often considered in the context of professional burnout. The presence of stressful situations and emotional tension are characteristic of professional activities of psychologists and psychiatrists. This study compares the characteristics of value motivational sphere in these professional groups.
Methods. The study used the following techniques: (a) Diagnostics of Personal Motivational Structure, (b) Personality Orientation, (c) Cognitive Orientation, (d) MAS, (e) Motivation of Affiliation, (f) Motivation of Labor Activity, (g) Value Orientations, (h) Assessment of Satisfaction of Needs by the Method of Paired Comparisons, and (i) Degree of Tension. The differences between the two groups were assessed using Fisher’s angular transformation.
Results. This study revealed certain differences in personal value motivational sphere in psychiatrists and psychologists. In the group of psychiatrists personal motivational orientation is more related to social status and livelihood. General activity and social utility are most important characteristics in the group of psychologists. Besides, psychologists are characterized by a high level of cognitive needs; needs for self-realization and social needs are more important for psychiatrists. The findings of the study correlate well with the characteristics of value orientations. Thus, the instrumental value of ‘education’ is more important for psychologists; the value of ‘tolerance’ is more important for psychiatrists.
Discussion. The authors suggest that in the process of professional self-realization certain characteristics of value motivational sphere in psychiatrists and psychologists may contribute to the formation of their successful professional activity. On the contrary, there are characteristics of value motivational sphere that may lead to emotional burnout.
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